
LETS TALK - Vichy Idealia Yeux / eye cream

Brez dvoma prav vse ženske enkrat zakorakamo v življenjsko obdobje, ko se pričnejo porajati vprašanja o uporabi kozmetičnih izdelkov, ki naj bi preprečevali prve znake staranja, kajne?
Je bolje pričeti uporabljati kremo za okrog oči čimprej v upanju, da zatremo predčasne nezaželene gubice ali je bolje, da jih pričnemo uporabljati čim kasneje in pustiti, da "mati narava naredi svoje", ter uporabljati čimmanj kemičnih izdelkov na svoji mladi koži?
Sama sem se s podobnimi vprašanji pričela srečevati že pred časom, priznam, tu pa tam sem kupila kakšno kremo za oči (predvsem iz radovednosti in v želji po učinkoviti bitki z jutranjo zabuhlostjo), a sem po max. dveh tednih uporabe do sedaj vedno pridno pozabila na njih.
Tokrat mi je v roke prišla Vichy Idealia krema za oči, ki jo pridno uporabljam vse od prve uporabe. Je to prvi znak staranja ali je dejansko "kriva" krema? Več v nadaljevanju.

There comes a time in every woman's life, when she starts to question herself when is the right time to start using an eye cream.
Is it better so start early, hoping to prevent early wrinkles, or is it better to start using it as sooner as possible, keeping our young skin away from the chemicals and letting "the mother nature do what it has to do"?!
To tell you the truth I was asking myself the same question for quite some time now, and while I bought myself different eye creams from time to time, mainly to fight against puffiness in the morning and out of pure curiousity, I always forgot about them after max two weeks of using it.
This time I came across Vichy Idealia eye cream and I have to say I am sticking with it since the first day ... Is it because of the awareness of me truly getting older or is it because of the cream itself? Scroll down for more.

Podatki o kremi:
-Primerna naj bi bila za vse ženske vseh starosti, ki želijo preoblikovati kakovost in barvo kože
-Vsebuje aktivne učinkovine, ki delujejo globinsko - DRM Bright Complex, vitamin B3 in kofein, ter učinkovine, ki delujejo površinsko - univerzalne osvetljevalce in učinkovine, ki zabrišejo nepravilnosti.
Hipoalergena formula, brez parabena, preizkušena pod dermatološkim in oftalmoloških nadzorom na občutljivi koži. Obogatena s termalno vodo Vichy, ki pomirja in obnavlja kožo
- Revolucionarna Vichy inovacija je tudi izjemno mehek in fleksibilen silikonski aplikator, ki omogoča izjemno nežno in precizno nanašanje ter zagotavlja idealno količino nanosa
- Tubica vsebuje 15ml 

Moje mnenje:
- Krema je brez vonja in je rahlo obarvane roza barve z bleščečimi delci.

- Po uporabi čutim navlaženost in osvežujoč občutek (predvsem v jutranjem času, je občutek ta močnejši).
Se hitro vpije in ne pusti mastnega filma na očeh (očesni make up ne prehaja v gubo!).
- Sama sicer nimam izrazitih, temnih podočnjakov, vseeno pa ima srednjo prekrivnost, bleščeča tekstura pa opazno "prebudi" oko in ustvari bolj svež in zbujen pogled.
-Aplikator sicer res omogoča higienično in precizno nanašanje, vendar si kremo še vedno raje nanesem na prst, ter jo nato nežno vmasiram na področje okrog oči.

Po približno mesecu uporabe (večinoma jo uporabim pri jutranji negi ), ne morem trditi, da sem opazila revolucionarnega izboljšanja kože okrog oči, lahko pa rečem, da mi je všeč. Priporočam jo tistim, ki se spogledujete z idejo prve uporabe kreme za oči, potrebujete korektor le za "osvežitev" pogleda in imate rade sijoč in spočit pogled.

Facts about the cream:
- Suitable for women of all age, wishing to reduce the appearance and size of dark circles
- Exclusive combination of DRM Bright complex, Vitamin B3, caffeine and optical correctors
- Hypoallergenic, without Porabens, dermatological and ophthalmic tested, enriched with Vichy thermal spa water, which stimulates and soothes the skin
- Innovative silicone applicator, soft and flexible to be gentle in contact with delicate skin around the eyes 
 - It contains 15 ml

My thoughts:
- The cream has no sense, is slightly rosy colored and is enriched with fine shimmer.
- After use, I feel the moisturizing and refreshing feeling (especially in the morning time the feeling is stronger).
- Absorbs quickly and does not leave a film on the greasy of the eyes (eye make-up doesn't crease).
- I luckily don't have distinct, dark circles, but I have to say the cream has a medium coverage and with its shiny texture it clearly "awakens" the eye and creates a more fresh and awake look.
- The applicator is true that enables hygienic and precise application, but I still prefer the cream is applied on my finger, and then gently massage the area around the eyes.

After a month of using it (usually for my morning skincare routine) I cant claim my skin has significantly changed, but I do like using it so i would recommend it to everyone who is thinking about starting to use an eye cream, doesn't need heavy under eye concealing and like fresh and dewy look.

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