

If you are a Balenciaga lover, than you are gonna love this manicure!
 OPI Alpine snow as a base and OPI Black shatter, creating the trendy "craked" affect. I know shatter is nothing new, but it is new for me and I LOVE it. If you dont already own this beast, u totally should have! =)

Tale manikura je popolnoma pisana na kožo vsem ljubiteljicam tekoče kolekcije Balenciage.
Uporabila sem OPI Alpine snow kot podlago, ter OPI Black shatter za trendi, razpokan videz. Vem, da shatter lak ni nič novega in so je že stari znanec tržišču, je pa novi zame in priznam, da sem nad njim več kot navdušena!
Če razpokančkov še nimate, potem si ga vsekakor morate omisliti! =)

Two thin coats of Alpine snow and one thin coat of Black Shatter on dry base /
Potrebovala sem dve tanki plasti OPI Alpine snow za podlago, na katero sem, ko se je popolnoma posušila, nanesla tanko plast Black shatter-ja

As already said, cracked look is HOT this season! Alexander Wangs debut collection for Balenciaga went promising with paint-sprackled mohair sweaters, which im sure are going to hot stuff for all fashionistas on the colder season. As far as makeup goes, you cant go wrong with lining your eyes with a bit more daring cat-eyeliner look, such as the ones on the pic from aquascutum, anna sui shows.

Kot že rečeno. Letošnji trend razpokanega videza, zahvaljujoč prvi kolekciji Alexandra Wanga za Balenciago, je zagotovo že obnorel modne navdušence. Razpokana barva na moher puloverju, bo letos vroča roba na modnem trgu in verjamem, da se bo znašla v marsikateri omari modnih navdušenk. Tudi letos pa ne bomo popolnoma nič manj in, če bomo oči drzno obrobile s črnim eye-linerjem in z mačjim pogledom osvajale svet, kot so ga modeli iz revij za aquascutum in anno sui .

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