
*SHADE OF THE DAY* Aqua blue

Feeling like wearing aqua blue. Didn't know which color to go with and I went with both. I love how it looks and think I will do manicures of that kind alot in the future. =)

Dan ko sem se počutila za azurno-modre nohte in ker nisem vedela kater lak bi bil boljši, sem uporabila oba. Res mi je všeč kako izgleda na rokah, zato sem prepričana, da bodo take manikure na blogu postale stalnica. =)

Kiko 289 and China Glaze Kinetic Candy. They both needed two thin layers.
Kiko 289 and China Glaze Kinetic Candy. Za oba sem potrebovala dve tanki plasti, za popolno prekrivnost.

Aqua blue is one of the biggest trend this ss. Here are some of the looks from the runways:
Azurno modri makeup je velik trend prihajajočo pomladpoletje. Tukaj je nekaj slik iz modnih revij: